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Air-stable perovskite nanostructures with dimensional tunability by polymerizable structure-directing ligands

Byun, Jinwoo; Satheeshkumar, Chinnadurai; Lee, Gil Yong; Oh, Jaehoon; Jung, Dong Hoon; Seo, Myungeun; Kim, Sang Ouk

Air-stable perovskite nanostructures with dimensional tunability by polymerizable structure-directing ligands Journal Article

ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 12 (28), pp. 31770–31775, 2020.

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: LED Perovskite Photopolymerization


The heavy-atom effect on xanthene dyes for photopolymerization by visible light

Yoon, Jieun; Jung, Young Jae; Yoon, Joon Bo; Damodar, Kongara; Kim, Hyungwook; Shin, Minjoong; Seo, Myungeun; Cho, Dae Won; Lee, Jeong Tae; Lee, Jungkyu K

The heavy-atom effect on xanthene dyes for photopolymerization by visible light Journal Article

Polym. Chem., 10 , pp. 5737-5742, 2019.

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: Free radical polymerization Photopolymerization


Photoinitiated polymerization-induced microphase separation for the preparation of nanoporous polymer films

Oh, Jaehoon; Seo, Myungeun

Photoinitiated polymerization-induced microphase separation for the preparation of nanoporous polymer films Journal Article

ACS Macro Lett., 4 , pp. 1244-1248, 2015.

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: Mesoporous Photopolymerization PIMS Porous polymer RAFT polymerization