

Macromolecular Materials Chemistry Lab (MMCL) pursues to establish synthetic pathways to macromolecules with complex shape and structure, and thus develop advanced polymeric nanomaterials for energy and environmental applications. We are particularly interested in controlling polymer structure, conformation and phase separation in a spatiotemporal manner. Current topics include architectured polymer syntheses, postpolymerization modification, polymerization-induced nanostructuring, and porous materials.

Myungeun Seo Members

Group News

May 11, 2024 | Publication

New Paper in JACS!

We report that increasing temperature during the polymerization-induced self-assembly can depolymerize the solvophobic block and thus induce a reversible morphological transition by temperature swing.

May 11, 2024 | Group

Welcome Visiting Student Researchers to the Group!

The group welcomes Basile Gall and Loïc Demoulin from Chimie ParisTech - PSL.

April 14, 2024 | Group

Welcome new undergraduate students to the Group!

The group welcomes Eunseo Cho and Lance Khizner Dabu Gragasin, joining our group during the spring semester of 2024.